The SL Hotel Inspector

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Discovering the Hidden Gems and Missed Opportunities of Punta Cana

As my partner Maya and I explored Punta Cana, a Dominican Republic-inspired resort, I couldn't help but agree with her assessment that it is "perfectly fine."

This sentiment encapsulates the essence of this closed resort, created by Oasis SL, which requires pre-booking for visits and stays (click here for the difference between open and closed resorts). While it aims to capture the spirit of the Dominican Republic, Punta Cana is best described as a generic tropical SL resort – pleasant but with the potential for much more.

Overall look and feel

Upon arrival, the reception area feels somewhat sterile and anonymous, but as you venture towards the main pool, the atmosphere becomes more inviting.

Tropical garden paths lead to two distinct areas: a beach with watersports facilities and an extensive underwater resort featuring connected pods beneath the ocean's surface.

The overground area is nice enough, with slightly dated landscaping, but the underwater area left us feeling that it fell short of its potential.

The decor, particularly in the underwater hookah bar, felt strangely like something you'd find in a corporate office and out of place, missing an opportunity to create a more immersive and colourful experience that aligns with the theme.


Accommodations at Punta Cana range from 2000L to 3500L per night, comparable to other tropical resorts of its kind. We opted for day passes at 500Lpp each, but we did take a peek inside one of the villas.

The pleasant decor, featuring an Erfe Design bed and Dust Bunny bathroom fittings and furniture, proved to be the highlight of the resort.


Punta Cana offers various add-ons, such as underwater dining (1000Lpp per person), spa massages (1000Lpp), sip and paint sessions (500pp), and beach yoga (500pp). For those seeking a comprehensive experience, an 'all-in' package is available at 4000L per person, granting access to every activity over a 48-hour period.

There is also a spa and a race track situated on a platform that you can reach via an elevator. The latter is a lot of fun.


While lag was not a significant issue, and privacy is well-maintained due to the resort's guest-only policy, Punta Cana faces stiff competition from other RP-led beach resorts in Second Life.

With seasoned resort companies like Highlife Destinations and AshaRhia's destinations setting the bar high, Punta Cana could elevate itself to the next level with some attention to decor, landscaping, and the underwater area.

In conclusion, Punta Cana is a perfectly fine tropical escape in Second Life, offering a pleasant experience for those seeking a generic beach resort. However, with a bit of refinement and creativity, it could stand out among its competitors.

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