Review - Hotel Turquoise
With prices starting at 10L a night, The Hotel Turquoise is one of the best free or almost free hotels and motels that I’ve seen. I’m not sure you’d want to spend a vacation here, but you might want to visit for a night or two or even live here.
Overall look and feel
When you walk into the Hotel, you have the main public area with the rooms being in skyboxes.
The public area includes a reception bot, a bar, a restaurant (not RP), and a games area. Especially given the fact that this place is super-cheap, the decor while not stunning, is quite nice with the walls having a kind of water feature.
In addition to the reception bot, the owner maybe went overboard on the mesh people hanging around, I’d personally take some of these away.
Overall - 3.5 / 5
The rooms
You can either stay in a standard room for 10L a night, or a suite for 25L a night.
The suite has a living room, kitchen and bedroom. It’s pretty well decorated though the theme of the bedroom doesn’t quite fit with the rest of the suite (which is more sleek / modern).
The standard room has a bed on one end and some armchairs on the other, with an open space between the two,. It also has a cinema room (with a YouTube enabled TV on the wall), but the strange thing here is that it only has a rug on the floor but no furniture, it’s basically an empty box.
However, coming back to the price, I’ve seen a lot of free or very cheap hotels in SL, which are in many cases pretty basic. This is one of the best at this price range.
Overall - 3 / 5
These include a bar, restaurant and games area (no RP). There’s no pool, spa or gym, but you wouldn’t expect to see these things in a two or three star hotel in RL, so it didn’t seem like a big omission here either.
Overall - 3 / 5
The animations
The suite has a modified MYSA designs adult bed, while the cheaper 10L room has a bed from Apple Fall. That’s actually the better of the two as it is same sex couple (FF and MM) friendly.
In general, there was a lot of Apple Fall furniture, as well as some from Bazar - the suite has a Bazar Arizona bathroom for example.
Aria who came with me to have a look commented that much of the furniture wasn’t brand new, but wasn’t dated either - instead they are the kind of items you can now pick up cheaply on sale, many of which are still quite good.
Overall - 3 / 5
Other considerations
Is it adult? There are adult anims in the room
Prices - 10 or 25L a night
Privacy - The rooms are in skyboxes
Lag - I didn’t experience too much on my 2021 Macbook Pro
If you are looking for somewhere temporary to live, the Hotel Turquoise might suit you for a few weeks. Or if you and a friend want somewhere to go for a night or two, this might also work as an option. It’s nowhere near as immersive as the hotels on our highly recommended list, but then again it’s a fraction of the price of those places.