My ten favourite SL hotels (July 2021)
Picture taken at Rizzi on the Beach
I’ve now stayed in close to 50 Second Life hotels and resorts, something I can’t imagine anyone has ever tried to do (or seen the need to do) before. At the same time, this website has had over 25,000 page views since January.
That’s a lot more than I thought it would get when I started writing last Autumn, and hopefully it shows an appetite for virtual vacations, especially as the pandemic often prevented us from taking real ones.
With me taking a July break from doing reviews, I thought this was a good time to highlight my ten favourites so far.
Rather than being in order of preference, I’ve listed these in alphabetical order as each place is recommended for slightly different reasons. Some of these resorts are on private sims, where you need to pre-book online and get a group tag at check-in. I’ve indicated where that’s the case.
Bonaire Yanu Yanu
This is a brand new Fijian style resort, built across three islands with Blake Sea and mainland access.
The owners have done a great job in making the most of the surrounding area, and as a plus they even have a private terminal at Second Norway Airport. They'll fly you to Fiji Airport, and then transfer you by helicopter to the resort.
The Essencia
A city themed hotel, which mimics an RL hotel pretty well. Prices are quite cheap, the smallest rooms start at 150L a night.
The closest equivalent is the Rizzi (see further down the list) and comparing the two, I prefer the beach and pool areas of the Rizzi, but like the bar and reception at the Essencia more.
If you are on a budget, the Essencia is for you, while if you're willing to spend 500L+ I suggest checking into the Rizzi.
Ibiza Nightlife Resort (Restricted sim, book online)
Ibiza comes from the team behind Timor Isles last Summer, and Winter in New York last Winter.
The owners have once again done a fantastic job in creating something both unique and immersive. Go and stay at this fantastic beach and entertainment resort before they close it in the Autumn!
The Kidaka Resort
An African safari lodge experience, with a small hotel and savanna where you can find everything from lions to giraffes. The lodges and tents look direct out onto the wildlife area. A very popular photo spot.
Lush Tulum (Restricted sim, book online)
A Mexican / Yucatan themed beach sim. It’s incredibly well designed and thought out, with one of the best resort beaches in SL Good for both couples and groups. (Private resort, pre-book)
Le Chateau Motel and resort
Le Chateau is a riot of colour and fun. The owners have created something really special, with lots of little details linking back to French pop culture that I loved. It's incredible well designed and thought out, and it's also a great base from which to explore Satori from.
Nobu SL (Restricted sim, book online)
A beautifully decorated sim, realistic Maldivian atmosphere, lovely and super friendly staff who show a lot of care for their guests.
Rizzi on the Beach
I actually spent some of 2020-2021 living here, which hopefully is already a recommendation.
This is a fantastic hotel resort, with my favourite SL hotel pool. Since I reviewed it last year, the owner built two private villas and a penthouse suite, both are worth checking out.
It is worth comparing the Rizzi with the Essencia, as the look and feel is not disimilar.
Savasdee Resort (Restricted sim, book on Facebook)
A Thai themed resort, loosely modeled after Phuket. An excellent place to stay for a weekend or for a few days. I loved many of the little touches and details, it also has really helpful and welcoming owners.
The Serena Zanzibar (Restricted sim, book online)
As the name suggests, this is a resort with an African (Zanzibar) type theme, complete with villas, a series of large pools, a bunch of restaurants, a spa, and various other activities such as a games area. One of the most professional and RL-like resorts I've encountered in Second Life.
What next?
I'm going to start reviewing hotels from August, and will be updating my top ten list as I go on (you can find it, and a list of other hotels I reviewed here).
Have you got any tips or suggestions, or are you a hotel or resort owner? Or, are you a blogger / photographer and do you want to work with me on a review collab?
I don't get offline IMs, so best to email me -